1 MW5ZjScbypBpSwcBxmtptcP7poyLiwjScJ [r:12314 s:12314] Seen with 1788 others , all with zero balance 3669502.486294 2 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 3 MU6weTvABb16bthCn37LKLgsN5qqh21Mtr [r:66156 s:66156] Seen with 1954 others , all with zero balance 1653943.112629 4 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 5 MEPz3sz459A5GvFmqXEtuYK118KSg46kUs [r:14888 s:14888] Seen with 3157 others , all with zero balance 1229587.390893 6 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 7 MU1yAuz6jRmf7CjovQ6Axwf5RNHH8gusFb [r:50291 s:50291] Seen with 1 other , folio value 24933.5038 is -249335038000000.000% 1018694.904026 8 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 9 MPK88GBoF77GqEPAtMD1ZcWWHmtLm7cXE4 [r:49369 s:49369] Seen with 2288 others , all with zero balance 616539.727824 10 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 11 MNssUrBoEXX7jcce6GXECdAFFZbrxzmSNx [r:24457 s:24457] Seen with 51 others , folio value 500.1161 is -5001161000000.000% 582765.556507 12 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 13 MSBdzee5qDyq6MQU3r9LSrG9zaCPQLZiwF [r:21513 s:21512] Seen with 3905 others , all with zero balance 537837.858316 14 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 15 MKSSMSNuGHvKeUN13PVzSmBv3H639DawWr [r:7881 s:7878] Seen with 1157 others , all with zero balance 521907.984112 16 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 17 MNdXoWE8BjKb7EZjtPU1xN2gHEhEKsf6TV [r:18985 s:18985] Seen with 1156 others , folio value 100.0176 is -1000176000000.000% 474638.111578 18 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 19 MJf4MWJuzT5QSjSJr7oLc3WjQqc3HLPHxG [r:18407 s:18406] Seen with 2374 others , all with zero balance 460205.244581 20 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 21 MUmWVqxeJMiWg4THeApDnTPUNSP32t7wPg [r:5383 s:5383] Seen with 1013 others , all with zero balance 402001.076153 22 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 23 MRPEieJNSMfYhHykCvqv4kxb17yPXuVLVz multipool.us [r:14865 s:14865] Seen with 2375 others , folio value 26500.2568 is -265002568000000.000% 371636.420263 24 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 25 MUxwEwe9otYRTDMkUkjqMwyTY1NF1n9Y2R [r:26728 s:26674] Seen with 630 others , all with zero balance 335010.211651 26 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 27 M8jHwq8X6kGRrQnECx6VjSSudAScqeMwip [r:6213 s:6211] Seen with 1304 others , all with zero balance 266154.672805 28 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 29 MNSGLo2vLg8FtqM5EGpcEriUNcs7F5NFTq [r:10186 s:10186] Seen with 1206 others , folio value 550.034 is -5500340000000.000% 254152.055940 30 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 31 MNJDQj6F8VUgxWeKrMgErD3e8wCUGGv8bg [r:9429 s:9429] Seen with 1837 others , all with zero balance 235653.750251 32 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 33 MGYCfTKv36RLw5Buk5511X7uc5FAN7WfkK [r:16211 s:16211] Seen with 33 others , all with zero balance 207489.570085 34 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 35 MR59gswkabPzvk5r4xtpuu6aRqYZU4vrx3 zergpool.com [r:29682 s:29678] Seen with 3594 others , all with zero balance 185595.985796 36 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 37 MEjDvUa725uJbVF8UQ2Ghad34fTBPVyRCo [r:13666 s:13666] Seen with 540 others , all with zero balance 171216.409412 38 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 39 MARGwxrJKnqZfyk32yJ27QAZfETXAdGv6u [r:640 s:640] Seen with 2 others , all with zero balance 160000.093100 40 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 41 MPxr3HHse7WNm5cQmtiGbSsFPjxkDooVfx [r:5615 s:5615] Seen with 1156 others , all with zero balance 140280.545803 42 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 43 MUQRSrjSp1o9ghiRLCDvcyxshucHws1tAU [r:17700 s:17700] Seen with 674 others , folio value 35043.757647 is -350437576470000.000% 130181.388187 44 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 45 MWo8eBhGxAUT4TqWYPLkyQc9vGJ5DhxS7Y [r:504 s:504] Seen with 104 others , all with zero balance 121125.162500 46 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 47 MHzixwy97f6cMwrqp98JKeC2MWgRydZ3Wy [r:9243 s:9243] Seen with 206 others , all with zero balance 115558.333475 48 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 49 MQjiZVZ3iqA6rTiQeoB1oG2mXXw75Mixhw [r:4013 s:3728] Seen with 933 others , all with zero balance 100326.270551 50 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 51 MKqzUEc347tncup4tM2216DrN1yQyvZfxH [r:2609 s:2607] Seen with 412 others , all with zero balance 98452.630982 52 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 53 MBEiQ1MTNBQa94Ay8ug5n6FtSudwAb4ntK [r:7681 s:7681] Seen with 64 others , all with zero balance 96067.125917 54 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 55 MTCNvvjXQa3oZnHZx2JTK1tR6pnEEEfLXe ispace.co.uk pool [r:7030 s:7030] Seen with 612 others , folio value 75 is -750000000000.000% 86700.647275 56 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 57 323JSvuWng7bELimmMdDq5ndoM61zaR4J6 [r:60212 s:55281] Seen with 364 others , folio value 4502.9292557 is -45029292557000.000% 83459.938838 58 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 59 M8QE4xPG8Pj8X78TMpZM1nY8sJ8whUGBmR [r:3097 s:3097] Seen with 69 others , all with zero balance 77425.388700 60 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 61 MHT2t2urexR4F3eXScdDsAfGHEAxgJXGEu [r:6928 s:6423] Seen with 414 others , all with zero balance 74745.849998 62 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 63 M8jBBS6uppfDmdZ2puKRZMq97qoEhNpiFg [r:5893 s:5875] Seen with 766 others , all with zero balance 72629.190278 64 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 65 MS9M8KgEdxfB1ey437sLXbHz2Qe3AzuYWw [r:2728 s:2728] Seen with 398 others , all with zero balance 68151.103110 66 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 67 MHsVAGBQegp64WSN6AQDkoRaXoJAR7Vurz [r:5224 s:5182] Seen with 1 other , all with zero balance 65301.024180 68 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 69 MHZyZjEkpkXf28GpJkV8QBCW5A3gvFr8sf [r:8139 s:8139] Seen with 231 others , folio value 287.6096964 is -2876096964000.000% 61859.947032 70 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 71 MRKWWijDWucJkdnUp9esGdkVU6ihABGeFg [r:21485 s:19008] 60406.944493 72 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 73 MMaFJzsk62gm9QVGn41Y6J89bDizxQ5FjZ [r:2380 s:2380] Seen with 26 others , all with zero balance 59037.760390 74 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 75 MRijLA25Wtqjqy4ZJB9ioDoXjZX4jGYCQf [r:3086 s:3086] Seen with 19 others , folio value 125 is -1250000000000.000% 56282.312762 76 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 77 MDrgWUKpVuGBgotZrvAcS5CQsoD88zfN4j [r:8282 s:8280] Seen with 169 others , all with zero balance 53369.192063 78 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 79 MTY14ss2pVjicwxteS26VTAZF6AvLTxbh8 [r:3915 s:3896] Seen with 263 others , all with zero balance 49100.687953 80 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 81 MEUohuyvWLHWM52GK1EGWdUSk1CCQpDV4d [r:54967 s:54581] Seen with 372 others , all with zero balance 47192.607762 82 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 83 MHn6awvXvNUGUP5v7zxsKNyq3yS1NivTqW [r:1870 s:1870] Seen with 454 others , folio value 75.0363 is -750363000000.000% 46757.910400 84 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 85 MEv95NUJEd5rTtmxcx5MogwAgffVxG2gpf [r:396 s:396] Seen with 13 others , all with zero balance 45200.182530 86 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 87 MFtqaqRAzk1ZB1gTRp6j3uDwBmys81QE31 [r:14989 s:14989] Seen with 24 others , all with zero balance 43730.390916 88 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 89 MMgijJPxZMugTHcQ164XCUvbSnnwd8Bzij [r:1543 s:1543] Seen with 16 others , all with zero balance 38575.197815 90 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 91 MRZ8frqaPV2J74TFZynar2XNhJWLz8YCAS [r:1485 s:1135] Seen with 11 others , all with zero balance 37127.801207 92 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 93 MTb1eNeyskttsFkp172CqsEEFScVJoGe2x [r:41602 s:743] 34666.723786 94 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 95 MPwNZRn9Y7dg4AvXdN8nRYsZ85NCF6yEYK [r:1328 s:1328] Seen with 5 others , all with zero balance 33200.097592 96 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 97 MJjRt21gkGnGFFw7JcSQ4sFSLCMBQ3pufn [r:1326 s:1170] Seen with 1 other , all with zero balance 33150.183600 98 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 99 MCqpRkRb36WpyxadhAxkBVTBgWYT6Tq9MG [r:4621 s:4602] Seen with 704 others , all with zero balance 32014.497282 100 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 101 MTD49ArUdf5nkQdoWp6dBRwXCwcmbQdDKs [r:207 s:207] Seen with 310 others , all with zero balance 28875.104200 102 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 103 MKKdZfpVRBxWTQsUEVsxadhKaAqVJUNLUL [r:1122 s:1122] Seen with 6 others , all with zero balance 28050.107578 104 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 105 M8cRoFDpeA55wWoqM6zbV6H2Hn22mzcHs3 [r:1062 s:1062] Seen with 181 others , all with zero balance 26550.217937 106 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 107 M9cRBUaPqFgzWTaKvsoTd5zyEz3EXvvwP4 [r:2198 s:2198] Seen with 37 others , all with zero balance 25947.066973 108 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 109 MHY61mfWudn9YNUf6qVwvYpFWUd5UHUeYv [r:3830 s:3830] Seen with 82 others , all with zero balance 23947.761504 110 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 111 MSRgwf9Th1oFoTmPVe27neeAJK6rgCi5ry [r:351 s:342] Seen with 7 others , all with zero balance 22418.529301 112 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 113 MN2ccmrhExE74R1zsWoVRyEVb3Api9Wp1h [r:869 s:869] Seen with 1 other , all with zero balance 21725.010600 114 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 115 MEyjkUJqhakS1aNi8yB4fkxrpbQ5KeCDAQ [r:1680 s:1680] Seen with 39 others , all with zero balance 21009.658282 116 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 117 MECBURNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXcAEsHH [r:14711 s:0] 20732.466373 118 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 119 MWz85waF6FeHxkvBxLjz2dXUnr5GPDJdEe [r:7006 s:7006] Seen with 5 others , all with zero balance 19406.381360 120 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 121 MACHUtiYtrqSoS2VNnwG9UjQyUD5oyeE3D [r:751 s:751] Seen with 1 other , all with zero balance 18775.028600 122 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 123 MM6TQzkFxDqBM5aMkUJNZq5RTJqyjGnqQh [r:1451 s:1451] Seen with 24 others , all with zero balance 18138.508528 124 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 125 M8oDzRthtY1RSeipdJ9Vcz2PPvR83zueyN [r:710 s:710] Seen with 1 other , all with zero balance 17750.012100 126 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 127 MEqiz4ZbJ8kpGsLNUpRfuzYsgthepg1Awv [r:1324 s:1324] Seen with 38 others , all with zero balance 16550.003400 128 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 129 MCvVZ3hcHSerRpsPhHQhVdwPd7dKhtzQJ5 [r:14524 s:13905] Seen with 606 others , all with zero balance 16407.048379 130 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 131 MGuuVHtV23M28ijCGeXHmVttfPYPcGUYqS [r:1273 s:1273] Seen with 34 others , all with zero balance 15912.505200 132 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 133 MLg9G4mdv8nkBQMBBE3WY4eFLcBGma3Z71 [r:6304 s:3989] Seen with 63 others , folio value 3256.91895046 is -32569189504600.000% 15843.505089 134 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 135 MFx2aQGNQPYYw5fh5ZzX93W86zubgzZzsr [r:11266 s:619] 15806.309197 136 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 137 MRDetQ8Mh2Lzjmg7uA2cdmPrUAUwSnJrCa [r:637 s:637] Seen with 12 others , folio value 576.44342891 is -5764434289100.000% 15730.269000 138 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 139 MKRNFZ8c4ivKdM1hvj5ZCJty46sUxcR3tM [r:9873 s:717] Seen with 28 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 15611.654526 140 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 141 MLwRcjFQ5drkYUYLPPnH4zhVT69uyzPkjK [r:9831 s:729] Seen with 29 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 15520.211570 142 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 143 MJBnq6Lzwm1hsyjo5ndPuruXyYHLFghNhW [r:9610 s:769] Seen with 29 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 15250.235525 144 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 145 M9gyzD99pqQDjMLhvgoTQqyBHZ1npiXPxq [r:1952 s:1948] Seen with 319 others , all with zero balance 15054.900627 146 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 147 MC8nYYFq3Pm2jyemD85wbtesivPiwvhvZV [r:1177 s:1177] Seen with 18 others , all with zero balance 14712.724883 148 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 149 MV4V2YKE6NX89XBNZPBXP5K3wBBPskph2o [r:9245 s:758] Seen with 29 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 14618.154037 150 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 151 MHjAbFdxLaWvMkuntm91yR5VFUueGBDA2z [r:9401 s:606] Seen with 29 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 14563.288207 152 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 153 MTr3PhWJYBfA8s9GEiRJGfmA83VTpLrbbf [r:1150 s:1150] Seen with 17 others , all with zero balance 14375.248551 154 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 155 MEPqCE3hvib5nvj3wG5dSnXoGTQUjYoXxA [r:152 s:151] Seen with 478 others , all with zero balance 14271.543890 156 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 157 MHE3tvmbnctYC8vCYkmDceG1pm6ibHjW3Y [r:558 s:558] Seen with 1 other , all with zero balance 13950.029200 158 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 159 MUESmhrcj2JE3KMMc84qjDrSMBhkiPLod5 [r:1097 s:1097] Seen with 30 others , all with zero balance 13713.086418 160 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 161 MUn36jEuujcfewnDQqTiby4G8ScAzKKCJP [r:8961 s:90] Seen with 16 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 13383.433337 162 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 163 MEjjJcn9dK79X471m7gL8Cth4UsPcKSxA3 [r:2094 s:2092] Seen with 413 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 13098.354847 164 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 165 MEZHd7XXs2zhiJBv82GC4DhUH1X4rnQ8ee [r:8680 s:90] Seen with 16 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 12987.558118 166 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 167 M8NM4gJaJ6BM3yt2cvpk5WNsqk5juui3UC [r:8601 s:85] Seen with 16 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 12699.958955 168 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 169 MHh74LXbWiYzqfXDnECMV1CDGzjFXDBVuB [r:1000 s:1000] Seen with 5 others , all with zero balance 12512.006508 170 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 171 ML2PEBVYpcgNz79V8ijqSRrCUjue25sF65 [r:3834 s:2242] Seen with 22 others , all with zero balance 11981.834377 172 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 173 MU51wRvzoifmsag7TwQR9ygaesjue2Z4nJ [r:464 s:464] Seen with 1 other , all with zero balance 11600.034701 174 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 175 MCt5YUWmNJMqfcaASv6Jsf9F2q7r4kZc4P [r:926 s:926] Seen with 31 others , all with zero balance 11575.000260 176 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 177 MAPwiyqtKKLbMYL2YXHj81gQjeqZpdTksx [r:455 s:455] Seen with 5 others , all with zero balance 11375.008900 178 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 179 MWJruZeoSrQKPTUpqygvC8Tg6f3E6j17gr [r:7311 s:466] 10935.120493 180 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 181 MEk98zmgUUJisUgXeQeB9MgLEjGErrxcw1 [r:422 s:422] Seen with 12 others , all with zero balance 10550.161900 182 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 183 MEZPkXTJEXkpdKsoJbpVwpZex2wJMHQMkD [r:368 s:368] Seen with 85 others , all with zero balance 10300.525599 184 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 185 MJSKQJo9xybKbY1gfW2Z1utF1Kmyoe7Win [r:406 s:406] Seen with 1 other , all with zero balance 10150.014300 186 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 187 MWBKvXqYDHAjjuWNqvKwC4oWmwYcQNaWBy [r:796 s:796] Seen with 22 others , all with zero balance 9951.312646 188 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 189 MNqfB8PwSfKsk5fg8BgdTni7h3HJdWqeDB [r:392 s:392] Seen with 3 others , all with zero balance 9800.254600 190 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 191 MGyjNRNmy83eqVdeVK8PRcBz843SKbZnxC [r:777 s:777] Seen with 18 others , all with zero balance 9715.893485 192 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 193 MKFfjL4gSdB1jUXwsztmSBoaKpDeVex2Wb [r:768 s:768] Seen with 44 others , all with zero balance 9600.080100 194 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 195 MK7T6FjWZphktU4sc5SWKH1UHzqgWvsViW [r:382 s:338] 9550.020500 196 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 197 MHwA6eRLmuaK6VC3n6uefT39UX7j2shS8h [r:761 s:761] Seen with 4 others , all with zero balance 9523.537900 198 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 199 MRtQQPfnbaSu3Bsay4PXKvDsaAdscmFj1b [r:4389 s:2300] Seen with 22 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 9419.302345 200 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 201 M9Ar81zD4YS5CVCW79N3ybM8yRisYopjZn [r:254 s:254] Seen with 293 others , all with zero balance 9250.025400 202 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 203 MT3ec8R9n8GXNbxp4BQxLAjyNiGjAUsFXE [r:1444 s:1444] Seen with 35 others , all with zero balance 9202.079214 204 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 205 MWY9byne4PejkhnbP6gEumcd4cBoAeBwZE [r:1436 s:1266] Seen with 13 others , all with zero balance 8939.570537 206 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 207 MP346yFoWBq4MwaVJXDWcyK41wED1tsCWQ [r:347 s:347] Seen with 71 others , all with zero balance 8675.702707 208 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 209 MQK2TKTpNPaDp8B8h7HaQ5gLfWp3o4Xqrt [r:341 s:341] Seen with 2 others , all with zero balance 8531.208161 210 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 211 MF8LUTiWMmNv7DjHnYySbk7GHETgkqb4Yy [r:682 s:682] Seen with 12 others , all with zero balance 8525.130375 212 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 213 MDaH7tjxYxsBQAY7zvDotDN2hEeX9ztayS [r:1442 s:1442] Seen with 190 others , all with zero balance 8265.741326 214 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 215 MUPeYxvZohZcZqFs2p5eC6GQHV7J4j649A [r:625 s:625] Seen with 12 others , all with zero balance 7814.901183 216 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 217 MJRbfeX6ig2goxGki1fyoihCF97wANDYZg [r:15 s:15] Seen with 773 others , all with zero balance 7500.000000 218 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 219 ML72huf8GNS3o5wfE5x7LF2nT5cbrzbbfG [r:4890 s:352] Seen with 51 others , all with zero balance 7378.668948 220 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 221 MEQq1zcAhSbQVgKJZ2E7eXuZ6NWcyN9JLC [r:587 s:587] Seen with 16 others , all with zero balance 7337.500500 222 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 223 MQXWTm7R68x1fUWqGiyaJ1yndxzi353mvS [r:3710 s:1393] Seen with 21 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 7164.931762 224 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 225 MXDZqg2yAuRNUkermjkghupSvF3RjihHY7 [r:1125 s:1125] Seen with 115 others , all with zero balance 7133.556591 226 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 227 MPWNq3DEPMSoS2ivUPyuyZJqTfuTXjaSZ8 [r:3378 s:2824] Seen with 28 others , folio value 9953.94593635 is -99539459363500.000% 7067.863652 228 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 229 MLBu4wMpVMKkGg259pCAE1EhkiaaU1L79w [r:276 s:276] Seen with 1 other , all with zero balance 6900.005000 230 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 231 MHmsFKanBZYZvpAsJePkeKhrcDv8J6yV4G [r:268 s:120] Seen with 4 others , all with zero balance 6700.006300 232 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 233 MBwz79ZmaoUTgD1xzzihwkxst18Jsbu8kK [r:532 s:532] Seen with 12 others , all with zero balance 6638.504100 234 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 235 MDWR5cdNQwU46sd2TV6pMp9jNgnsDym7Fr [r:4653 s:4653] Seen with 244 others , all with zero balance 6543.360745 236 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 237 MHQce6RD7dp3h6gdSLbLTwVF2qfWmKsYvX [r:258 s:258] Seen with 5 others , all with zero balance 6450.006600 238 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 239 M8U3DwdVNq6Lvy7Z9qYK25wJu6fdyZcQjm [r:255 s:255] Seen with 29 others , folio value 900.4486 is -9004486000000.000% 6375.503500 240 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 241 MGPLjANcbgZbwoNEDZwUcjzE6sVQ2udhCE [r:506 s:506] Seen with 15 others , all with zero balance 6329.749511 242 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 243 MNoYmd7Gu3sV6iaGbzt3e24tCVaKGyzWYN [r:488 s:488] Seen with 6 others , all with zero balance 6100.008200 244 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 245 MPvj9poCPAdictd28yk2oxZvbKj5VmPbcc [r:485 s:485] Seen with 17 others , all with zero balance 6062.717583 246 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 247 MHxDanTWArmbxWXEgZvKEgbxjLS4gkNN5D [r:238 s:238] Seen with 4 others , all with zero balance 5950.001800 248 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 249 MTDe3vXdpbmx5FJmEWpFxPQXWyCb2VbuAR [r:2976 s:2423] Seen with 34 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5890.845913 250 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 251 MBFTZ2Yxo8SrrSuKUYrqkUiegDxLvkBFiF [r:606 s:578] Seen with 57 others , all with zero balance 5783.183950 252 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 253 MCDucfsWvTrfqw9pYKHsw2WYRLY1hoin37 [r:458 s:458] Seen with 14 others , all with zero balance 5725.000400 254 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 255 MDKQYjk1vch9LNmfSS6iYfrSmUmyoRqt3V [r:1978 s:999] Seen with 9 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5678.139420 256 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 257 MLake2kFrMhrVscwbwaRLtEFicHhH6omeY [r:3024 s:999] Seen with 18 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5655.991659 258 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 259 MQrfCzKAdFHtUPiYRXERxKESRBBvwCBjMo [r:1949 s:1948] Seen with 9 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5548.757966 260 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 261 MJJyPX9tDHsMGkymREcmZP6mmVnx6vPepU [r:1927 s:1900] 5532.998788 262 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 263 MBwmJkgqFRUDVvuxZUKPfH4TAd1bToKvCy [r:223 s:219] Seen with 191 others , all with zero balance 5519.852750 264 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 265 MFe1DLa9NP9FeNCPTijoRsvbPS3kdk5Crx [r:438 s:438] Seen with 8 others , all with zero balance 5487.052736 266 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 267 ME1Ew9K8Z3esaAF84jMLsRkysQPdwDWUkb [r:216 s:216] Seen with 1 other , all with zero balance 5400.002300 268 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 269 MAo1DJzmDZm7dwUCNzn7huUyneUZj4TRS3 [r:3120 s:3059] Seen with 168 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5343.822607 270 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 271 MEE2h3pkok2EHrEpAZSn6iL9jB1VTbNFDr [r:212 s:212] Seen with 4 others , all with zero balance 5300.015800 272 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 273 MViMGXPWBQNwrDCzPD78s5C6XEU1SooxAc [r:211 s:211] Seen with 1 other , all with zero balance 5275.006300 274 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 275 MWjMxWzqsbpDifyT6w9QPJqZES5hMXTbs8 [r:2992 s:2938] Seen with 163 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5225.728226 276 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 277 MUWbqBus24kprKKe8nP7kAMCik5vgts2oL [r:3027 s:2962] Seen with 165 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5210.216143 278 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 279 MQhFWX5qZ5w3sWTwnB9o11TdnHazMg3XcW [r:3074 s:3013] Seen with 184 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5205.988342 280 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 281 MRYwitDZmjTnwixE6YHRVQiDxRLPjWw1x7 [r:3053 s:2998] Seen with 168 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5182.102899 282 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 283 MRu9JChHLKDLRUscDi4UdHvXeGCxVeRU9K [r:3014 s:2958] Seen with 166 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5168.014969 284 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 285 MPRiB6aHcH3yCCmJ1T55awAQa588gPLx3h [r:2996 s:2934] Seen with 173 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5141.320832 286 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 287 MVRYSQuYc41em58vBJu2RaqmdCf3V6uKy1 [r:2987 s:2928] Seen with 179 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5124.427975 288 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 289 MV48BW3uoUUMKCpbpd7NGzs3GcxCoRU2Vb [r:3006 s:2953] Seen with 179 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5110.360567 290 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 291 MURVoiRLdZEmtJjBN7UgFWrBPDq6rzdMcH [r:3006 s:2946] Seen with 176 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5107.563444 292 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 293 MN2zArmLR9RaQ38Gvtk1KywyiFWBRrpsBp [r:2985 s:2929] Seen with 170 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5086.441700 294 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 295 MJReUxvhvGgFRGYS6mUsBWeWCNDpMnGjPz [r:2981 s:2923] Seen with 187 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5076.639550 296 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 297 ML4qpQvNvG4D156ZdAbs3sqWRSfvhCgbVj [r:2977 s:2918] Seen with 176 others , folio value 0 is 0.000% 5047.087172 298 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible) 299 M96fB2ysJLQg58Sk64EZ7owSPh25p6jSgL [r:404 s:404] Seen with 11 others , all with zero balance 5037.504700 300 Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible)