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Wed, 10 Jan 2024 19:52:13 GMT
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Kraken0.014705880.015361303325.780235670.014705880.014705880.01489719  for 1 USDT+1.2353 %
Kraken671.59167226691.085003468670.41328895682.59385666682.12824011683.07410671  for 1 BTC+0.1010 %
Kraken0.018663270.019486841308.771790520.018722870.018688200.01889918  for 1 GBP+0.2557 %
Kraken0.016097880.0167926114677.613303410.016100470.016097880.01632120  for 1 EUR+0.6014 %